How to become an Acts 20:28 Pastor?

Pastor, we want to help you with resources, tools, and relationships that offer you support and guidance as you lead your congregation.

An Acts 20:28 Pastor is a pastor who is willing to learn more about how to mobilize their congregation toward active civic involvement.

Here are a few ways you can be part of Acts 20:28 Pastors today:

  1. Sign up to be part of Acts 20:28 Pastors and receive free inspiration, tools, and resources by monthly email.
  2. Click [here] to learn about what’s happening across the nation right now.
  3. Request voter guides and other resources to distribute in your church. Click [here] to send us an email and let us know you’re interested.
  4. Request your free personalized Member Engagement Report by clicking here.
  5. Connect with Acts 20:28 Pastors on social media.