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Our mission is to inform, encourage and mobilize pastors and their congregations to be proactive in restoring Judeo-Christian values to the moral and civic framework in their communities, states, and our nation.
Vision America believes this mission can be achieved through the effective implementation of the "A M E R I C A" Plan ... a seven step program to effective Christian citizenship.

Core Values

The United States of America has come to a critical moment in its history. The challenge, which confronts us today, is neither economic nor military. It is moral. Our nation is abandoning the bedrock moral values, which are our heritage from God, and the very foundation of our liberty. There are those in America, whose goal is nothing less than the transformation of our country in their own image, who openly ridicule and belittle people of faith. They seek to silence our witness and to banish Christianity from the public square. We cannot allow this to happen!

Christian involvement in civil government is not optional. It is an essential part of our calling from God to be salt and light in a dying culture. God’s people in Christ must address the great moral issues now before the nation. The church has been entrusted by Almighty God with the tools necessary to reverse America’s moral decline and effect lasting change if only she will engage in this momentous struggle before it is too late!

Vision America exists to mobilize God’s pastors throughout this land to stand together as His faithful spokesmen once again. Our passion is to rekindle the "fires of righteousness" which once burned so brightly in America’s pulpits. We hold to the following core values and have shaped the ministry of Vision America around them. We seek faithful pastors who believe as we do and who will stand with us for our God and for our country.


We believe in
The Sanctity of Human Life

We believe the Word of God teaches that human life is sacred because humankind is created in the image and after the likeness of God. An absolute commitment to the unique value and sanctity of human life is fundamental to a nation that honors Almighty God. Vision America is committed to the preservation and protection of every human life from conception to natural death. We are determined and committed to bring an end to America’s abortion holocaust. We steadfastly oppose cloning, stem cell research, euthanasia and any other practice or policy inconsistent with our conviction that human life is a precious gift of the Creator God.

We believe in
The Sanctity of Marriage and Family

We believe that God instituted marriage and family as the basic building block of human culture. We further believe that God has established marriage as a sacred covenant between a man and a woman for life. And so it was for almost 200 years as our country grew and prospered under God’s hand. Yet, within our generation, America’s families have been devastated by rampant divorce, lack of personal responsibility, and a challenge to the very institution of marriage by the homosexual community. As One Nation Under God, we believe the laws and civil institutions of our land should promote and protect stable marriages. We oppose legal sanction of same-sex "civil unions" or marriages as a perversion of the Creator’s intent.

We believe in
Personal Decency and Moral Integrity

We believe God established human sexuality for the physical expression of love and commitment between a man and a woman in holy marriage. Apart from that divine intent, sexual activity becomes nothing more or less than the selfish manipulation of another human being for personal satisfaction or financial gain. America is currently drowning in a polluted sea of promiscuity, pornography, and perversion. The abuse of human sexuality, whether in illicit personal activities or through the vast influence of the visual and print media, diminishes our humanity and degrades those who indulge in it. We believe that the practice of personal decency and the standards of high moral integrity must be restored in America. Therefore, we support the enforcement and the strengthening of legislation restricting the exploitation and/or proliferation of pornography in any form.

We believe in
Religious Liberty

We believe that freedom of religion is the foundation of America’s liberty. That freedom was significantly eroded in recent decades as the Bible, along with religious symbols and expression have been banished from the public square. The identification and condemnation of sin on the basis of Holy Scripture has come to be regarded as "hate speech" by many. We oppose any and every attempt to suppress or to marginalize the free expression of religion in America. Further, we support the immediate removal of IRS regulations, which severely restrict the ability of pastors to speak out on issues under political debate within the nation.


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PO Box 10
Lufkin, TX 75902