The "AMERICA" Plan

Since 1998 Vision America has been informing and mobilizing pastors and their congregations, across the nation, to get involved in the civic affairs of their communities. We believe that if even a minority of the pastors and churches in any community will implement the following "7 step" program that spells A.M.E.R.I.C.A., we can dramatically change the cultural landscape thereby restoring the original vision of our founding fathers for America to be a "...shining city on a hill"!


Articulate the Biblical basis for Christian citizenship
Speak to the crucial moral issues of the day and communicate why Christians must be active citizens, influencing public policy on matters with Biblical perspective.

Motivate the congregation to begin taking their civic responsibilities seriously 
Most Christians will not become involved in any ministry or take action related to cultural change over the objection or ambivalence of their Pastor. Pastoral leadership makes the difference.

Educate the congregation on the 'Why' and 'How' of civic involvement 
Congregations must be informed of their American religious heritage, understand the original intent of the U. S. Constitution, and know how to become involved in the citizenship process.

Register to vote All eligible adults in the church 
If a person is 18 or older and an American citizen this is not an option! The goal is 100% registered, 100% voting.

Inform the congregation about important policy and moral issues 
Help create an awareness of pending legislation at the local, state, and national levels. Address current moral issues from the pulpit, including sanctity of life, protection of marriage, family values, protection of religious freedom, and the need to strengthen and enforce pornography laws.

Coordinate, as appropriate, with other like-minded churches in the community 
Encourage and support other Pastors who are committed to restoring Judeo-Christian values into the culture and civil institutions of our nation .

Activate the Congregation 
Create or strengthen a Community Impact Ministry in the church to facilitate the above activities in an organized manner and to serve as the church's link to Vision America. We are aiming to utilize today's technology to inform, educate and activate the congregation, using email, fax and Internet-based education for training and information.

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 Copyright © 2004 Vision America

Vision America
PO Box 10
Lufkin, Texas 75902
(866) 522-5582