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February 1, 2006
Volume 2, Number 5

In this Issue

1) State of the Union Analysis
2) Justice Samuel Alito is an Answer to Prayer
3) San Francisco Teachers Refuse to Display Rainbow Flag

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Legislative Alerts

Click the links below to find more information on these bills and to send an e-mail or fax to your Congressman.

Marriage Protection Act
(HR 1100)

Pledge Protection Act
(HR 2389)

The War on Christians
and the
Values Voter
in 2006

Vision America presents an important conference in our nation's capitol with featured speakers including:

Senator Sam Brownback, Senator John Cornyn, Congressman Tom DeLay, Congressman Todd Akin, Congressman Louis Gohmert, Rod Parsley, Ron Luce, Gary Bauer, Alan Keyes, Phyllis Schlafly, Laurence White, and Janet Folger

You will also enjoy challenging panel discussions, prime accommodations, special packages, legislative briefings, and more.

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conference details

 State of the Union Analysis

Last night's nationally televised State of the Union speech by President Bush, provided the American people a clear snapshot of how divided our national leaders have become.  The most telling moment was when our President addressed the growing menace of Social Security entitlements and Congress' failure to address his reforms last year.  Democrats stood and cheered and cameras candidly caught Ms. Clinton sneering as she could not contain her exuberance that she and her forces had successfully derailed the President's efforts at reform.

I cannot remember ever seeing such open hostility and incivility during a State of the Union speech.  More telling is the fact that while the Democrats scoffed at the President's reforms, they offer nothing in exchange, ignoring the approaching train wreck if Congress doesn't act soon.

The President showed strength and resolve in addressing the war on terror, but I was very disappointed in his failure to address more social concerns.  The Federal Marriage Amendment, which Social Conservatives have made their number one legislative agenda for this year, was nowhere to be found in the President's remarks.  

This is an unconscionable error for a President who was reelected on the strength of Values Voters, driven to the polls largely by this issue.  At present, there is still no protection for traditional marriage from the liberal judges who continue to reverse election results in states where the overwhelming majority of citizens have voted to ban same-sex marriages.     
The President's silence on this issue mystifies religious conservatives, as it could be a winning issue for him.  Poll after poll reveals that a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all agree that marriage should be preserved as a union between a man and a woman.  State marriage amendments are consistently being passed by overwhelming margins.

Justice Alito is an Answer to Prayer

Still, something is happening in America that many Christians and people of faith may be missing. God is answering the prayers of many faithful and often unseen men and women of faith, who have quietly, methodically and persistently prayed for revival, for years. I fear that because so much looks so wrong about America, amplified by a liberal press that disdains Christianity, that many people of faith have given up on the system that God is using to bring National renewal.

It appears likely that we now have four votes on the Supreme Court that favor the end of abortion in America. Why?

Because in 2000 God intervened in Florida, and by a vote of the Supreme Court, a pro-life President was elected who has now appointed what appears to be two conservative jurists to the Supreme Court. What would the court look like today if Al Gore had won the election in 2000; or what if Values Voters had stayed home in 2004?

The two new Justices were approved because Values Voters have been turning out in growing numbers for two decades, placing an increasing number of godly men and women in the Senate, who like the men of Issachar in Scripture, "Understand the times and know what to do." More men and women meet for prayer and Bible study in the Senate and House than in any other time in the past 100 years. Men like Senator Tom Coburn and Senator Sam Brownback, both members of the Judiciary Committee, who distinguished themselves during the hearings, standing for life and family. These two men are unashamed to announce that they believe they were "called" to serve the people as elected representatives and do so as men of faith.

The same can be said of a growing number of men and women in the House of Representatives. God is moving in our land, and that's why the God haters are getting increasingly shrill in their personal attacks on our President and good men like Justice Samuel Alito. This is a war for the soul of the nation and the world. We must not shrink back.

I believe that Judge Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States of America is an answer to prayer. Liberals still control the court, but it appears that we are on the verge of seeing dramatic changes in America. No longer is it a given that a small, well-financed body of hard core leftists will get their way in our Courts. Partial-birth abortion, gay marriage and a host of other assaults on decency in America are now drawing their last breath.

As we move into the 2006 elections, the Church must not fall back. Conservative Pastors and Priests, along side conservative Jewish Rabbis,must stand up in their places of worship, and call the people of God out of their complacency and into the polling places, voting their values, not party affiliation. Now is the time to take our country back from those who disdain Biblical values and make a mockery of God's standards while pretending to be devout in their faith during election season.

San Francisco Teachers Refuse to Display Rainbow Flag

There are signs everywhere that the people of faith are finally awakening from their slumber. In San Francisco, five courageous teachers have laid it all on the line and said that they will not lay down and give the children over to the radical homosexual agenda.

Five teachers in San Leandro High School have refused to submit to the school district's order to display a rainbow flag poster in their classrooms, citing their religious convictions that homosexuality is wrong. For stating their core beliefs, based on their religious convictions, they face immediate suspension and firing. Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute maintains that the school district is demonstrating intolerance toward the five teachers.

Hooray for the teachers. Only when more men and women will put their personal careers and reputations on the line for Christ, like Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, will we ever see this nation totally restored. But the good news is that every day we are hearing more stories of such courage.

What about you? Will you stand up? Will you speak up? Will you get involved?

That's what makes our upcoming conference in DC so important and timely. Vision America's second annual gathering: “The War on Christians and Values Voters Conference,” is just a few weeks away on March 27-28, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC.

Click here for conference details and online registration



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