Ryan Pick Is A Homerun for Romney

  • Rick Scarborough
  • Aug 13, 2012


With the choice of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney has emulated the legendary  Babe Ruth. He pointed with his bat to right field and then hit the ball out of the field.

 A seven-term Congressman, married for 12 years, the father of three and a practicing Catholic, Representative Paul Ryan has solid conservative credentials – 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee (0% from the pro-abortion National Abortion Rights Action League), lifetime rating of 92% from the American Conservative Union, a 92% rating from the non-partisan National Taxpayers Union (in 2010) and an A-rating from the National Rifle Association.

 He’s also an outspoken supporter of Israel, who has said that: “America has no better friend in the Middle East than the nation of Israel. Not only is Israel the region’s only fully functioning democracy, with a government based on popular consent and the rule of law, but it is also a valuable ally against Islamic extremism and terrorism.”

 Of course, Ryan has cast a few wrong votes, as who would not over the course of 14 years in the House. But, on the whole, his record is admirable.

 In choosing Ryan, Romney has made a significant statement. The choice tells us three things that conservatives should find encouraging:

 1.                      In nominating a man who is pro-life and pro-family, Romney has shown he’s not afraid to be associated with our issues.

 2.                      In Ryan, we can see the shape of a future Romney administration, from cabinet appointments to judgeships.

 3.                      Despite constant carping from the left, Romney is embracing fiscal reform even more strongly, by picking the Congressman who’s claim to fame is a budgetary proposal liberals have denounced as draconian and heartless.

 There’s yet another reason why Ryan is a smart choice. With the Ryan plan for fiscal reform in 2011, the House Budget Committee Chairman stood up to months of blistering attacks from the tax-and-spend crowd, including the mainstream media, and gave as good as he got. He’s a polished speaker and a skilled debater. I predict he’ll make mincemeat out of Joe Biden in the Vice Presidential debate.

 Would Senator Marco Rubio or Congresswoman Michele Bachmann have been a better choice? Perhaps. But with names like former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels being bandied about (who range from awful to weak on our issues), conservatives should breathe a huge sigh of relief that the ticket will be Romney/Ryan.

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